/BCO-DMO/CMORE/hoedylan/core_hplc_09 --cast eq 58-- Level 1

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#   C-MORE HOE-DYLAN-9 HPLC pigment data
#   Bidigare Lab - University of Hawaii
#   Robert R. Bidigare
#   original file: HOEDYLAN_hplc_from_cmoreds.txt
#   ingested into BCO-DMO: October 20 2016
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sta         cast        lat         lon         date        
2           58          22.809      -158.050    20120831    
time        bot         depth       chlide_a    chl_c       peridinin  fucox_but  fucox       fucox_hex  prasinox    violax      diadinox    allox       lutein      zeax        chl_b1       carotene_a  carotene_b  chl_a2      chl_a1      chl_a_tot  
2246        24          5.8         nd          9.38        0.00       3.83       4.08        13.01      nd          0.00        9.10        0.00        0.00        62.20       10.65        4.67        2.98        51.24       25.18       76.42      
2244        20          25.2        nd          10.77       0.00       4.01       4.45        14.71      nd          0.00        8.47        0.00        0.00        64.37       13.87        5.29        2.31        54.10       28.39       82.49      
2238        13          113.4       nd          49.70       3.04       38.86      10.89       65.88      nd          0.00        5.11        0.00        0.00        52.45       175.90       36.64       1.11        218.98      65.14       284.13     
2233        08          117.6       nd          48.16       2.43       38.02      11.22       64.36      nd          0.00        5.87        0.00        0.00        45.76       165.35       31.71       2.52        199.29      65.32       264.62